Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the role of religion in Transcendent Reality?

In Transcendent Reality, religion is where the sense of the collective greater social good is developed, promoted, and protected. 

Q2. How does religion develop the greater social good?

A culture’s morality standard is its sense of what behaviors contribute to the collective greater social good of the culture, and what behaviors are inimical to the collective greater social good of the culture.  Each culture has a somewhat different development of what behaviors are acceptable, and which are not. Throughout the ages, religious organizations, in various forms, have tried to institutionalize the culture’s morality and act as a bridge from generation to generation.

Q3. How is religion in Transcendent Reality different from other religions?

Religion in Transcendent Reality might be considered “right-brain,” or rational, embracing skepticism, scientific investigation, philosophical modeling, evolution, and change.  Most other religions might be considered “left-brain,” wherein emotions, feelings, and personalities determine belief and adherence to its moral principles.  Symbolism and ritual are extremely important in “left-brain” religions, while discussion and debate are more important in “right-brain” religions.   

Q4. Why does the world need another religion?

In today’s world, traditional religions have become somewhat irrelevant to large portions of the earth’s population because they are based on unsupportable mythology, substituting belief for truth, ritual for understanding, and faith for investigation.  In the light of scientific discoveries, too many have come to regard religion as illogical, incorrect, irrelevant, and therefore unsupportable.

Unfortunately, too many have also rejected their morality along with their religion. The result is secular governments run by individuals without a clue about ethical behavior, morality, or what human life is all about.

Q5. How is Transcendent Reality an improvement over traditional religions?

Transcendent Reality re-integrates science, philosophy, religion and governance into a single coherent paradigm that will guide the individual and the group in the never-ending quest for knowledge, meaning, and purpose. Transcendent Reality gives structure to morality by requiring moral strictures to enhance our survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity beyond random chance.

Transcendent Reality differs sharply from other formalized religions in that it allows for the evolution of morality, ethics and laws. 

For additional information, visit the Transcendent Reality Explained web page

Q6. How can I learn more about Transcendent Reality?

One can learn about Transcendent Reality by reading all the pages in this web site. However, if you wish to become a member or disciple, dedicated to the furtherance of Transcendent Reality, you must first complete a formal apprentice program.

Q7. Do I have to pay any fees, dues, or tithes as an apprentice?

There are no fees, dues or tithes for apprentices?

Q8. How do I become an apprentice?

Visit the Apprentices web page from time to time. Within the very near future we hope to have the web page fully functional as a virtual elder that allows you to complete the apprentice program on-line. In the meantime, we suggest you read the available material on this web site.

Q9. Why do members have to tithe?

Members make a commitment to Transcendent Reality - to deepen their understanding, and to support the House of Transcendent Reality. While the House has a small independent starter fund, ultimately it must be fully sustained by member tithes. The tithing obligation for a member is very modest - only 1% of the members disposable income. Visit the Council of Elders web page for more information

Q10. Do I have to give up my present religion to embrace Transcendent Reality?

Transcendent Reality considers itself an umbrella religion over all other religions, most of which meet minimum acceptable moral strictures. You probably do not have to abandon the core beliefs, ceremony and rituals of your current religion if they comfort you. But there may be practices that are forbidden under Transcendent Reality. For more information, visit the Comparative Religions web page, and the Prohibited Practices web page.

Q11. How are conflicts between Transcendent Reality and other religions resolved?

Philosophical and moral conflicts between Transcendent Reality and other religions are resolved in favor of Transcendent Reality.

Q12. Are there any banned practices or taboos in Transcendent Reality?

Yes. For more information, visit the Prohibited Practices web page.

Q13. Where does the name "Transcendent Reality" come from?

The name "Transcendent Reality" is derived from two important concepts - "Transcendent Evolution," and "Absolute Reality." Visit the Transcendent Evolution web page to learn more about this important concept. Absolute Reality is elaborated on more in the Reality web page.