Icons, Logos & Symbols







Grand Council


The Promise of the Paradigm of Transcendent Reality


The Mechanism of the Paradigm of Transcendent Reality

Paradigm of Transcendent Reality

The Paradigm of Transcendent Reality (or Paradigm for short), is the complete set of principles, ideals, strictures,  instructions, decrees, offices, structures, institutions, operating principles, and dedicated personnel that are it's essential components. 

It's main organs of implementation consists of :

Religion (House of Transcendent Reality), determines, morality
Science (Academy of Science), searches for fact, truth, and knowledge
Philosophy (School of Philosophy) develops analogies of determination and prediction
Grand council (resolves conflict between religion, science, philosophy, and governance)
Governance (the form of government may vary, but all forms have Grand Council holding final authority over it's institutions and officers.)

The symbol of the promise of the Paradigm is depicted to the left above, while the symbol of the mechanism (how it is implemented) is depicted to the right above.

The Promise of the Paradigm is that by following it, and being solidly founded in Reality, we can align our Science, Philosophy, Religion, and Governance to achieve a collective state of enlightenment (epiphany) that allows us transcend ordinary existence, and achieve the higher purpose of expanding into the cosmos. 

The Mechanism of the Paradigm is how it structures itself over human society so it will achieve the Promise.

Academy of Science
under the Paradigm of
Transcendent Reality

The Academy of Science (Science for short), under the Paradigm, is its fact-finding body.  It is devoted to the investigation, observation, and measurement of our Environment -- as far as we can see, or reach with our scientific instruments.  A scientist must have both investigative and analytical skills.  The scientist-investigator must be free to use all of the analysis tools validated by the School of Philosophy.

Our Science must always be brutally honest and truthful, with no stain of a pre-determined outcomes, hidden agendas, falsified data, or other actions which might cloud its investigations.  To that end, the Academy should be independently funded, and not beholding to any outside donor in search of product "validation". 

That is not to say that all its findings are published to the general public, as there may be findings that provide advantages in conflict or negotiations that are moral to keep as state secrets.

The symbol of  Science is the torch -- a light searching for things hidden from view by darkness, distance, intervening obstacle, deception, fog, the cloud of superstition, or fear of the unknown.


School of Philosophy
under the Paradigm of
Transcendent Reality

The School of Philosophy (Philosophy for short), under the Paradigm, is its analytical and predictive body.  While the Academy may find the "dots," the School provides the analytical tools to connect the "dots" and make predictions where hidden "dots" may lie, or when future "dots" may come into being.  The fields of mathematics, logic, inductive and deductive reasoning, hypothesizing and proofs, etc., are realms under the School.   

In practice, an individual must have both investigative and analytical skills, and many individuals may be qualified to serve in either or both Science and/or Philosophy.  And it is no accident that the highest achievable academic rank is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).  

The symbol of the School of Philosophy is the Greek letter Phi (F), which are the first three letters of the word "philosophy."


Transcendent Reality


The religious authority under the Paradigm of Transcendent Reality is the Church of Transcendent Reality (Church, for short). or other name as may be approved by the Seer during his temporal presence, or the Council of Elders, who constitute the executive body of the Church

The function of Religion is to determine morality.  Morality is related only to human action or inaction.  An action is moral if it benefits the collective society in which it operates.  An action is immoral if it is detrimental to the collective society in which it operates.  If an action is neither beneficial nor detrimental, it is amoral (neutral.)

A moral tenet must meet three tests:
  1) enhance the existence of the society,
  2) enhance the continuance-in-kind of the society, and
  3) enhance the prosperity of the society.

A human action may be moral in one society, but immoral in another.  All the activities of science and philosophy are amoral -- that is, they can be used for benefit or detriment. 

The symbol of Religion is an ankh symbol inside an infinity symbol, signifying enduring values, and the key to eternal existence (which is not in the individual, but in the continuance of the society.)


under the Paradigm of
Transcendent Reality

under the Paradigm of Transcendent Reality is all the machinery of government, at all levels, of an independent nation which flies its own flag.  The institutions of science and philosophy are fairly similar everywhere, and don't require a large adjustment by governments, except where they barely or don't exist, such as primitive societies. 

However, the imposition of a common Religion and common moral strictures might be a large adjustment for some societies.  But it is required that all nations flying under the guidance of the Paradigm have a common morality.  The Church imposes the moral standard, but Governance decides how that moral standard is pragmatically implemented in the society.

The generic symbol of Governance is a blank flag (signifying any government) with the symbol of the Grand Council embedded somewhere on it, signifying that the government operates under the Paradigm of Transcendent Reality, and the authority of the Grand Council.  In a particular nation, the flag symbol would be that of the nation, with the Grand Council's symbol imposed upon it.


Grand Council

The Grand Council is made up of appropriate members of each of its four branches -- Religion, Science, Philosophy, and Governance.  The Chair of the Council is the Religious representative.  However, depending on the issue and degree of impact, the Chair may create a committee headed by any of the branches to study and recommend solutions.  The Grand Council may create Petite Councils for each member nation, as necessary.     

The function of the Grand Council in the Paradigm of Transcendent Reality is to resolve overlap and conflict in activities, actions, and findings that impact more than one branch of the Grand Council.

The symbol of the Grand Council is a four-petal fleurette, each overlapping petal representing one of the four functionalities (Religion, Science, Philosophy,  and Governance), and the center common circle representing the Grand Council (red is the color of religion, blue the color of science, green the color of philosophy, white the color of governance, and orange the color of the Grand Council.)

Grand Council