The One



The Will & the way

 In Transcendent Reality the "One", is an unknown force, path, or entity which, if followed, will lead us safely through the fires of chaos and catastrophe to survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity.  The Seer has ascribed the One as perhaps a great organizing force in the universe that causes over time evermore complex levels of matter and energy to form and evolve.  This force, path, or entity is called "The One" because it unites and integrates many separate entities into one new entity in a process we call Transcendent Evolution.  Then, having created a transcended entity, the One molds and tempers that new entity to withstand violent and catastrophic changes in a process we call Morphological Evolution.


We may honor, respect, or venerate the One in accordance to each individual’s temperament and understanding, whether as a path, force, or entity.  We seek through study, meditation, discussion, scientific research, philosophical modeling, and the revelations of the Seer, to discover more of the will and the way of the One so we might better understand it and realize survival, continue our kind, and prosper beyond random chance.


The One reveals itself, not directly, but through its works.  We do not pretend to know from whence came the One, nor do we know from whence came the matter and energy in the universe.  We can not determine the shape, extent, or bounds of the One, nor of this universe.  We do not know if there is but one universe, or if our universe is but a drop of froth in a greater sea of universes.  We do not know if this organizing force is but an arm of the One, or all of the One.  We do not know if there are other, perhaps differing "Ones" in this or other universes, or if there is are Anti-Ones. We only visualize, through our Seer, an invisible path, organizing force, or entity that creates visible inert matter from microscopic matter or energy particles beyond the visibility of our most powerful microscopes. We visualize replicating molecular chains created from inert matter, living organisms from replicating molecular chains, complex living animals like ourselves from complex organisms, and complex societies of those animals.

The Seer relays to us what is revealed to him about the One - that the One appears to flow in a mechanistic way, that though extremely complex, and apparently chaotic, nevertheless has enough elements of regularity to divine Its presence through time and matter. We can but honor and marvel at its complexity, energy, organization, and power.

The Will & the Way

As revealed to the Seer, the will and the way of the One are partly revealed by observing the processes of Transcendent Evolution and Morphological Evolution.

Transcendent evolution is an upward strategy, which forms new and distinct entities from a collection of prior-formed entities. This upward strategy has not been recognized before, and is given the name "transcendent" by the Seer because the newly formed entity has transcended its components, which are no longer independent entities. The process of transcending is not necessarily instantaneous, but may occur over a period of time, by some unknown process. It is from this "transcendence" that Transcendent Reality derives its name.

Morphological evolution is a lateral strategy that evolves existing entities into different forms over time. Darwin, among others, recognized this lateral strategy in the evolution of life form species, and called it "Evolution of Species."  Other scientists elaborated on the works of Darwin to evolve a "Theory of Evolution," but failed to see the upward strategy we call Transcendent Evolution.

Transcendent evolution and morphological evolution, over time eventually produces advanced life forms such as humans, and continues on in our human social structures. While we marvel at the end results, such as crystals, kangaroos, and kingdoms, more so we are awe struck that such an organizing force seems to permeate the universe.  And we cannot fathom the source of its power or direction, nor its beginning or end.  Even so, the One appears to have marked the way for those who can take notice.

Transcendent and morphological evolution are discussed further in Transcendent Evolution.

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