The Paradigm of Transcendent Reality



Transcendent Reality is a paradigm that reconciles the four independent functionalities of  science, philosophy, religion, and governance -- through the Grand Council -- to bring them into alignment, to be consistent, and to be complementary and interactive, insuring that our collective actions result in our collective survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity - beyond random chance.   

Science and scientific methodology allow us to separate truth from perception and deception, and to discover new facts about our environment and reality.  In science we require the rigorous and brutal application of scientific methodology - subjecting every belief and accepted fact to continual reassessment of what we believe to be truth and fact.

Philosophy allows us to build reliable, predictive models that allows us to exert control over our environment.  Through continual reassessment of our philosophical models, and by measuring their efficacy, error can be detected and corrected. By allowing and acknowledging change, evolution and  growth, our philosophical models can be incrementally improved.

Religion establishes and promotes morality, which allows us to identify and choose those actions and alternatives that best promote the greatest social good.  We must endeavor to assess and measure our moral tenets to insure they in fact promote the collective welfare and serve the collective cause.

Governance imposes alignment, coherence, and common purpose on otherwise independent and/or counter-productive individuals and groups within the greater community.  Governance allows the greater social organism to act as a single entity, achieving orders of magnitude more than by the mere sum of our individual efforts.  The structure and performance of governance must be continually assessed and measured to insure the accuracy of our collective knowledge, the continued increase in our collective wisdom, and the continual improvement of our collective performance toward our common collective goals.

Uncertainty, random chance, coincidence, chaos and catastrophe are often major actors in our environment.  In addition, deception and deceit from friend and foe alike plague our attempts to find truth and clarity.  Thus nature and humankind about and among us often sow confusion, dissension, distrust, and discord within our culture or society.

Transcendent Reality seeks to account for how such providence or intent muddles our understanding and measurements of performances and prediction.  The goal is that our interactive endeavors in science, philosophy, religion and governance significantly and continually enhance our collective chances for survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity.

To the seekers of truth and knowledge, Transcendent Reality offers a pragmatic path to discovery that is reviewable and disciplined, philosophical constructions that are useful and verifiable, and, measurable algorithms of the greater social good.  Transcendent Reality allows for the evolution of different systems of governance. 

To the less abstractly-inclined, Transcendent Reality is presented as a set of rules to live by that enhance one’s survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity – individually, and of the greater social unit. 

To the believer it is a revelation, to the blind it is an eye, to the deaf it is an ear. In the darkness it is a light to show the path. 

But Transcendent Reality is much more – not only is it is a path to survival, continuance-in-kind, and prosperity, but it is also a way to measure progress towards those goals.

In these pages lies the answer to the meaning of life, death, and destiny.

-           The Seer of Transcendent Reality