(Sexual Morality)

Judaism, Christianity and Islam, to name a few of the dominant religions on the earth, and most other religions, are strongly associated with three things - the afterlife, morality in general,  and sexual morality in particular.  Why, might one wonder, is sexual morality such a concern to these religions?

The ancient prohibitions were given as edicts from God – no rationale concerning micro-organism invasion and their effect on general health and fecundity were provided – indeed, such causal explanation was probably unknown to them.  Perhaps the ancient reasons were rooted observations that such behavior brought afflictions, and sicknesses,  Also, in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, sexual contact outside of marriage related to affronts to family pride, much as the still prevalent shame that a daughter’s or sister’s indiscretion can bring on conservative families.

With the general decline in acceptance of the traditional mythologies in which Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other religions imbued themselves, modern secular states have almost en masse abandoned these ancient prohibitions.  Some states actually seem to promote promiscuity, homosexuality, and a few even openly tolerate bestiality.

Indeed, the traditional institution of marriage is itself is under attack by many secular government officials, legislators, and judges - holding that openly homosexual individuals must be allowed to marry each other, and even give openly homosexual persons custody of children, and allow them to adopt abandoned or orphaned children.  It is almost as if the biblical towns of Sodom & Gomorrah had risen again and spread through the earth – and with them holocaustic and incurable diseases such as HIV/AIDS.

Transcendent Reality adopts the conservative religious tradition of discouraging promiscuous sexual intercourse outside of marriage – promotes the concept of marriage and fidelity between an adult man and an adult woman, rejects the concept of marriage for homosexuals, proscribes sexual contact between adults and children, and proscribes sexual intercourse between humans and animals. 

In adopting the traditional religious position, we do so with an eye to the favorable natural consequences associated with this position, and the adverse consequences associated with the converse.  There are two aspects to consider:

1) the spread of incurable micro-organism pathogens via the reproductive organs of promiscuous persons, and

2) the adverse sociological effects that indiscriminate sexual behavior can create.

Micro-organism invasion.

The advent of penicillin in the early 2oth century promised to herald in a disease-free age.  With it came a relaxation of sexual restraint, and an unprecedented drop in infections – for a while.  Then, a steady return in incidence and severity,  Then the discovery was made that pathogenic microbes could mutate, and the advent of new strains of pathogens that were resistant to penicillin.  In time new discoveries in antibiotics replaced penicillin, but the pathogens mutated also. 

Today there exist strains of pathogens that are resistant to every known antibiotic.  The occurrence of unrestrained sexual activity, especially among homosexuals, and the maintenance use of antibiotics, especially by prostitutes and homosexuals as unsuccessful buffers against infection, has greatly accelerated the evolution of virulent and incurable strains of pathogens which are increasingly resistant to treatment.

Sexual permissiveness and sexual immorality are rampant in secular states today.  The spread of sexually transmitted diseases and the associated impact on the health of individuals and their fecundity has taken and enormous toll on population growths.  Despite the discovery of natural antibiotics, and the invention of synthetic ones, sexually-transmitted pathogens mutate to accommodate them faster than medical science can create new cures. 

Transcendent Reality promotes the notion of clean, disease-free reproductive organs to best further the physical and social health of future generations.  That notion works best when marriage partners refrain from sexual experimentation outside the marriage, and the suppression of sexual promiscuity and homosexual behavior.

Adverse sociological effects

The adverse sociological effects of a promiscuous culture are enslavement of minors and adults to serve as sexual slaves to anyone who can pay the price.  Child pornography proliferates, child rape is common, human participants, particularly the young trapped into these perverted systems, cannot hope for a better life, suicide is high, and self-worth is low to non-existent.

Transcendent reality holds that states have a right and an obligation to regulate sexual activity and impose a moral discipline on the population.

Homosexuality & Pedophilia

Transcendent Reality holds homosexuality and pedophilia strongly associated with each other.  Future homosexuals are not born, but are primarily recruited as children by older minors and adults.  Once engaged in continuing homosexual activity, the child victim is highly likely to itself recruit children into homosexual activity as an older teenager or adult. 

In the case of male-female pedophilia, adult predators seduce or force sexual contact with a child or minor. Child victims are highly likely to engage in socially destructive behaviors later in life.  The emotional ties the bind us one to another are severely distorted by pedophiliac behaviors.   

In order to break this recruitment link, homosexuals and pedophiles must be forbidden contact and denied any opportunity to interact, with children, teenagers, and helpless adults.  Furthermore, active recruiters and promoters of homosexuality or pedophilia must be forbidden social access and be denied political participation, least they unduly affect public policy to promote their disturbed behaviors.