Inflation-Adjusted Retirement Planning Retirement Income Expenses That Should End |
There are many work-related expenses you incur in your working life that should disappear when you retire:
Government mandated payroll deductions [depending on your employer(s)]
FICA (Social Security & Medicare)
Government employee retirement systems contributions
Civil Service retirement system (CSRS)
Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)
US Postal Service Retirement System
Other federal government retirement systems
US Military Retirement System
Employer-sponsored supplementary retirement contributions (401k, etc.)
Personal retirement savings and investment accounts (IRA, Roth IRA, etc.)
Other non-tax-deductible savings and investment accounts
Expenses for work-related clothing, equipment & tools,
Expenses for commuting to and from work
Expenses that should end |
Expenses that may be new |
Expenses that may be reduced |
Expenses that probably stay the same |
©2008, Simon Revere Mouer III
all rights reserved