
In other religions, the founding prophets had visions of the unifying force in their group and related and promoted their concept among their followers to forge a unified and coherent following. Their aim was to leave this world, to travel to another place - heaven, somewhere in the stars, and live forever there with their superhuman benefactor - their God. However, their concept of getting there required them to die first. Only then, they believed, could their life force - their soul, be judged, and if fit - travel on to heaven. In such a paradigm, there is little incentive to build a better life here on earth.

In Transcendent Reality we refocus that wishful dream into more realistic terms. We do not claim our soul is eternal. When our bodily functions are fatally disrupted - by damage, disease or age, we cease to exist - our soul is extinguished. Our remains are partially recycled as food and shelter for lower animals, and our bones are buried, perhaps to be discovered eons later by archeologists wondering at our civilization or our place in evolution.

Immortality is not through extension of our individual life in some netherworld.  Rather, it is in the society - through continuing our kind into succeeding generations, and anticipating chaos and catastrophe so that our kind and our culture does not perish therewith. Heaven is not place to go to when we die, but a plan to build to while we are alive - with each succeeding generation contributing its part to further that plan.

Look to the Stars.  Our scientific investigations and models of the heavens reveal that the stars themselves have finite lives, that stars like our sun are prone to eventually swell to gigantic proportions, swallowing the earth in it fire, or take out the earth in a gigantic explosion - destroying all life in its vicinity, which for our sun would include our planet Earth. Even galaxies themselves collide with each other. Small astral bodies circulate in the heavens, from time to time colliding with the earth annihilating whole ecosystems of life forms. We must therefore of necessity spread our kind widely - beyond the bounds of the earth, beyond the bounds of our solar system, beyond the nearby stars, throughout the galactic rim, and onto other galaxies. Doing so insures our continuance in kind through stellar catastrophes, and promotes our prosperity.

Our Current Task is to realize our manifest destiny - so we literally take our place among the stars as living beings - we must first turn our factional attentions and fratricidal actions toward a common goal of unifying under the banner of Transcendent Reality. We must so organize ourselves and advance our knowledge, understanding, and technology that we gain global control of human endeavor. The adherents of Transcendent Reality must gain control of societal leadership and focus all efforts towards our manifest destiny. This means we must bring all religions under the Transcendent Reality umbrella, transform existing governments into theocracies under the House of Transcendent Reality, and prepare to battle the forces of opposition and resistance to Transcendent Reality.  

Our battles will be more paper and word wars than physical conflicts. Most other religions may complain, but offer little resistance. Their focus is in the next life, not in this one. Fundamentalists of all faiths, but particularly Islam, may initially resist violently. Dictatorships, aristocracies, theocracies, and hedonistic societies will conceive every imaginable obstacle in order to maintain their control. The so-called democracies will quickly align with the goals of Transcendent Reality as a popular cause, but will resist theocracy. Entrenched governments will attempt to void popular referendums and constitutional amendments.

 Transcendent Reality intends itself to be a global paradigm - to aspire to be the theocratic system all governments look to for moral guidance. For we find the other religions to be mired in mythology and meaningless ritual, unable to accept reality, embrace evolution, or provide sound guidance that promotes the greater social good – as measured by survival, continuance in kind, and prosperity. Moreover, we find the God of the Jews self-serving to their tribal interests, the God of the Christians megalomaniacal and schizophrenic, the God of the Moslems xenophobic, and the gods of the Eastern religions wanting as global unifying forces.

Related topics: The Seventh Transcendence, Comparative Religions