Inflation-Adjusted Retirement Planning

Model Development

Post-retirement planning model



Pre-retirement planning model Post-retirement planning model Other useful equations & formulas

Symbolic notation is used throughout the model development, so it would be wise to review the meanings of the symbols before perusing the modeling.

Symbolic notations

Once you have retired, you no longer have need of the consolidated  pre-retirement planning equation, and solutions revert to the much simpler present value form of the geometric gradient series.

Item Cash-flow diagram Equations
Modeling the retirement years The present-value form of the geometric gradient series is used for inflation-adjusted retirement income planning.  The cash flow diagram is shown in red to the right.  The equation is as follows:

The entire inflation-adjusted retirement series is calculated from R1 as follows:

Two forms of the equation are often used in post-retirement planning

a) to find the distribution, defined by R1, that will last the retiree the rest of his life, n




b) to find n for a given distribution, defined by R1




  n = DD  - DO

A complete example of each variation on a theme is provided.  These examples also allow you to substitute in your own data to personalize your own solution(s).  

Example solutions

©2008, Simon Revere Mouer III, PhD, PE
all rights reserved